Aurum Coin (AU) – The first decentralize open source cryptocurrency to be a Gold standard stable coin, AU blockchain started on 2014 : AU on CoinMarketCap. Only 300,000 coins max supply.
Important links: explorer, wallets, source code, Exchange.
Aurum Coin (AU) is a distributed ledger technology, open source SHA256 cryptocurrency, has its own separate blockchain since 2014 and only 300,000 coins can be mined, so gold-backed cryptocurrency is possible. We are not related to any new ico based on ethereum.

Aurum coin (AU) tech properties
Coin type Bitcoin (SHA256)
Max coinbase 300,000 Coins
Halving every 150,000 blocks
Difficulty retarget 300 blocks
Block time 1 min
Block maturity 2 blocks
Premine 0.5%
P2P Port 11080
RPC Port 21080
Aurum coin (AU) blockhalving
1-150,000 = 1 AU / block = 150,000AU
150,001-300,000 = 0.5 AU / block = 75,000AU
300,001-450,000 = 0.25 AU / block = 37,500AU
450,001-600,000 = 0.125 AU / block = 18,750AU
600,001-750,000 = 0.0625 AU / block = 9,375AU
750,001-900,000 = 0.03125 AU / block = 4,867AU
900,001 – 1,050,000 = 0.0156 AU / block = 2,343AU
1,050,001 – 1,200,000 = 0.0078125 AU / block = 1,171AU
1,200,001 – 1,350,000 = 0.00390625 AU / block ~ 586AU
1,350,001 – 1,500,000 = 0.001953125 AU / block ~ 293AU
1,500,001 – 1,650,000 = 0.000976563 AU / block ~ 145AU
1,650,001 – 1,800,000 = 0.000488281 AU / block ~ 73AU
1,800,001 – 1,950,000 = 0.000244141 AU / block ~ 37AU
1,950,001 – 2,100,000 = 0.000122070 AU / block ~ 18AU
2,100,001 – 2,250,000 = 0.000061034 AU / block ~ 9.16AU
2,250,001 – 2,400,000 = 0.000030518 AU / block ~ 4.58AU
2,400,001 – 2,550,000 = 0.000015256 AU / block ~ 2.29AU
2,550,001 – 2,700,000 = 0.000007629 AU / block ~ 1.14AU
2,700,001 – 2,850,000 = 0.000003815 AU / block ~ 0.57AU
2,850,001 – 3,000,000 = 0.000001907 AU / block ~ 0.29AU
3,000,001 – 3,150,000 = 0.000000954 AU / block ~ 0.14AU
Aurum Coin (AU) isn’t about making money, it’s about replacing money.
If you are not willing to own an Aurum Coin for 10 years, do not even think about owning it for 10 minutes.

Gold (“Aurum” in Latin) is the base of the economy as we know it today, and furthermore, gold was the measure by which currencies were valued throughout history. Aurum Coin was created to unite the world around one coin that combines innovative technology like that of Bitcoin, the global tradability of the dollar, and the consistent, timeless value of gold. Aurum Coin poses a legitimate and unaffiliated alternative to existing currencies and intends to provide a stabilizing force in today’s monetary system. This solution’s principles are to be reliable, tradable, and legal. As an international currency, you can pay and receive money easily and safely, anywhere, anytime via any device.
AurumCoin is a modern, cutting-edge digital coin that works according to the gold standard monetary system.This means that each Aurum Coin will be replaceable with solid gold by third parties.

Since Aurum Coin will be replaceable with physical gold, it stands out from other currencies. Gold is a natural element with a finite amount and cannot be created out of thin air like the dollar today. Nor is it mere speculation like Bitcoin, which is prone to instability due to lack of inner value. Aurum Coin will be immune to inflation, and since it is globally unaffiliated, it does not work in the interests of any one single country.

Aurum Coin emphasizes limited and minor conversion fees, unlike the exorbitant amounts imposed on the public by banks today. Your participation, and widespread Aurum Coin usage, will reduce the need for conversion fees. Aurum Coin is the perfect digital currency for online purchases and international transactions, and plans on working with all standard payment systems, such as PayPal, Google Wallet, credit cards, etc.

When you buy an Aurum Coin you actually buy a digital proof for pure gold that will be stored and insured in professional high-security gold vaults in Zurich, London, New York, Toronto, Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong.
Because AurumCoin is based on the gold standard, it contains built-in mechanisms for market and economic stability. In order to preserve its value, we will use market makers to back up each AurumCoin in pure gold, AurumCoin’s par value will always be worth agreed amount of pure gold.
Each Aurum Coin will be backed by gold, and a series of actual 24ct gold coins will be produced so that you can withdraw your money like any other currency. Each coin will represent one digital AurumCoin, just like each dollar you withdraw from the ATM represents one digital dollar in your bank account. In the future, you will be able to deposit Aurum coins into your AurumCoin account.

Equivalent to gold, a natural element.
Will have intrinsic value when will backed by gold.
Its gold backing will provides it with great economic stability and suitability as a global currency.
The par value will be known at any moment as agreed amount of pure gold.
Will have a partial central mechanism operating behind it (for gold-backing).
The amount of coins will always match the amount of gold.
Created by mining, therefore wasting valuable time and resources.
Has no intrinsic value.
Unstable and prone to wild and unpredictable fluctuations. Therefore, it is speculation rather than currency.
Its worth is determined solely by supply and demand.
Has no central mechanism operating behind it.
The amount of coins has already been determined.

What is Aurum Coin and how does it work?
What exactly is the gold standard again and why is it important?
What is digital currency? Is that something like PayPal?
Why do we need a new currency?
Why should I use Aurum Coin? I already invest in dollars (or alternatively, my national currency).
What do you mean by “liquefying” gold?
What will be the weight and gold-backing ratio of AurumCoin?
The plan is to fully back-up AurumCoin (AU) with pure gold, in the future, when the coin value will reach the destination: 1AU = 1OZ (pure gold 24K) using market makers.
The market makers will take fees to convert the digital coin to the psychical coin.
Who is the team behind this project?
We are obligated to operate legally and therefore we cannot reveal ourselves at this point. The operation will be located in a country that allows this project to operate completely legally.
What happens if the project fails?
In which countries will people use Aurum Coin?
With your help, we can bring gold back as a worldwide currency.
How do I purchase an Aurum Coin?
You can buy coins on our traders telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/IxtZjhTE4ZYgYM6-LAcbvA
We start direct over the counter trading, we take 10% fee both from buyer and seller. We will always take money first both from buyer and seller. Min trade 1 Bitcoin.
Where can I download the latest Aurum Coin (AU) Wallet?
The market needs a trustworthy and legitimate currency that can lead to positive change. As a gold-backed currency with inner value, AurumCoin poses an international and unaffiliated alternative to existing currency and to the monetary regime. The result of careful planning and preparation, AurumCoin is designed to be reliable and tradable. AurumCoin is committed to ensuring that all operations – such as customer service and the currency management mechanism – will operate under the principles of simplicity, transparency, and fairness. We need your cooperation in spreading the word and supporting Aurum Coin. A small investment will go a long way in leading to positive global change.
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